Zealous Health is a unique entity in the market in developing holistic herbal indigenous solutions with a blend of advanced scientific research. Our experience of more than three decades as new drug discovery and nutraceutical research gives us the required technical experience to ensure innovation for improving quality of life. Both dietary supplements and nutraceuticals products improve the health and wellness and often used to prevent or treat diseases and improve overall health and well-being. By focusing on disease biology, we develop products that not only support general health but also play a direct role in disease management, offering alternatives or complementary options to traditional pharmaceutical treatments.
Our proprietary formulations based on sound understanding of disease immunopathology and applying cutting-edge knowledge for the management of infectious and chronic disease conditions. Blend of science and herbal treasure knowledge helped us to develop attractive alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and are gaining lot of prominence in treating chronic conditions due to lack of their side effects and their holistic effect in managing these ailments. At Zealous health, we developed unique proprietary products based on extensive understanding of the disease biology and application of cutting-edge immunological knowledge for solving the complex immune-mediated chronic disorders. We pioneered the art of formulation design that results in long term resolution of diseases by targeting multiple pathways of disease progression.
By incorporating mineral nanoparticles technology and phospholipids and charged nanoemulsion, we offer more effective solutions for managing diseases and improving health outcomes, with applications ranging from general wellness to targeted disease therapy. Blends of our ELVITA and PHYQUANTRIX nanotechnology offer products leverage with better bioavailability of tough herbal molecules to reach of herbal actives to cellular levels providing higher efficacy in promoting health and preventing disease, making the most of the therapeutic potential of natural ingredients.